Location: South Carolina

I am a 35 year old artist currently in the process of adopting a child from China.

Monday, April 30, 2007

What Have I Done??

Oh My God! I have signed up for Body Boot Camp this summer through hubby's work. What in the hell possessed me do do this?
days a week for one hour each of strenuous exercise in front of my husband and I don't know how many of his coworkers. I must be out of my mind. I get winded walking up hills in our neighborhood! The embarrassment will be acute. Of course, Hubby knows that I am out of shape. It'd be hard for him not to have noticed as I've gained almost 35 lbs. since we met ( I would like to attribute a good portion of this to the fertility drugs but as I've been off them for more than a year...) and I've been smoking like a freight train while paperchasing. I'm just not sure he really understands the extent. So, I'm off to buy a cheap heart rate monitor. The Boot Camp email suggested this. If no more posts ensue then you know that I have actually died during Boot Camp Hell.

I hereby bequeath :

To my Dad - all of my Sci-Fi and fantasy books.

To Jen and Dayna jointly - all other books. Fight it out girls.

To my husband - all artwork. It ought to be worth something after I snuff it.

To Dayna - exception to the above. The drawing of you I made our first semester of college. You know, back before asking someone to pose like that would've had us all screaming about Back Fat. I keep meaning to frame it for you but as you well know, I am slack.

To Jen - all of my disco Cd's as well as my Pride and Prejudice DVD. I wish you the joy of Colin Firth in a wet shirt.

Sadly, that is all my treasured stuff except for shoes. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone else with midget feet.

Cross your fingers for me. I need it.


Blogger jenp said...

I'm proud of you! Keep up the good work....I really want that PandP DVD.

May 1, 2007 at 5:26 PM  

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