Location: South Carolina

I am a 35 year old artist currently in the process of adopting a child from China.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Thursday Thirteen - Things I Did Yesterday To Get Ready For The Home Visit

1. Took down 2 of the nude paintings in the house ( left three up but two were full frontal and in the Bible Belt you just never know...)

2. Got on my hands and knees to scrub the bathroom tile grout. How does cat hair get stuck there??

3. Made sure there were no Bubba boogers on the walls. Yeah, you read that. He can sneeze snot rockets from two feet above the baseboards to five feet. Gotta keep an eye out for that sort of thing!

4. Read, reread, and reread again the list of documents to be handed over.

5. Asked hubby to pick up muffin mix on the way home from work so the house would smell "muffiny" this morning. Didn't realize the muffin pan was rusted so made "muffin loaf" instead. It wasn't done before she left but the house smelled great!

6. Swept, swiffered, mopped the floors.

7. Actually moved furniture to make sure animal hairs were ALL GONE. Did I really think she was gonna look behind my dresser?

8. Repotted and trimmed (in one case tossed) house plants. Don't want DG seeing that I can't keep a plant alive. LOL.

9. Moved some furniture around- just a bit- so the house would be more Feng Shui. It does look more "harmonized"

10. Washed the bedspread in the guest bedroom (something I normally only do the night before guests arrive) so as to remove mounds of cat hair. All four cats immediately converged on bed for the rest of the day and night. Shit, that reminds me. I think I left a blanket in the washing machine overnight.

11. Cleaned off the back deck and washed the table out there. Now completely covered in snow.

12. Restacked the linens in the linen closet. Yes, I know that was anal.

13. Despite supposed diet ate a Take Five bar and then had frozen pizza for dinner (at 9:45pm).


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